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Tympanic membrane (ear drum) perforation

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When should ear perforations be closed? How should earwax be removed?

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Tympanic membrane (ear drum) perforations should only be closed if they are associated with chronic infections, or after good eustachian tube function has been established. Otherwise, once the perforation is closed, it will be necessary to put tubes in. The perforation can work perfectly well in place of a tube.

While tubes are in place or perforation is present, wax needs to be removed with instruments and not irrigated with water.

RS/ TK 7-13-10

Odpowiedź jest sprawdzana i ważna dla
Znajdź inne strony, które mają ten sam temat co ta strona Ears and hearing1 Ears and hearing11


Ears and hearing

Hearing should be assessed in individuals with CdLS at an early age and should be followed up over time. Those with severe sensorineural hearing loss should be assessed for auditory neuropathy.
Regular eye (ophthalmologic) and ear, nose and throat (otolaryngologic) evaluations are recommended in adults with CdLS.
Otitis media (middle ear infections) with fluid build up and sinusitis in individuals with CdLS should be considered and treated according to the national guidelines for the general population.

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