Pergunte ao perito


Side Effects of Elavil

For this question we have not yet organized an advisory council in the specified regions and/or condition


A 24-year-old female with CdLS was on Elavil but is being switched to Prozac (10 mg to be increased to 20 mg) for self-injurious behavior. Her mother is noticing side effects that, as she describes, resemble "Jacksonian" seizures with tremors and shaking of legs, but not losing consciousness. Can this be a side effect of the Prozac or the withdrawal from Elavil?

Resposta dos nossos peritos

It is most likely Elavil withdrawal and not a seizure.

TG /TK 7-13-10

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Encontrar outras páginas que partilhem o mesmo tópico que esta página Self-injurious and aggressive behaviour1 Self-injurious and aggressive behaviour13


Self-injurious and aggressive behaviour

To identify the cause of self-injurious behaviour in individuals with CdLS, medical assessment, specifically looking for sources of pain, should be followed by behavioural assessment of self-restraint then functional analysis.
Treatment of self-injurious behaviour should include both medical and behavioural strategies.

Relatação legal


Por favor note que o Pergunte ao perito service/ é composto por profissionais voluntários em várias áreas de foco. As respostas não são consideradas uma consulta médica, comportamental, ou educacional. Perguntar ao Perito não substitui os cuidados e atenção que o médico pessoal, psicólogo, consultor educacional, ou assistente social do seu filho pode prestar.


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