Fragen an den Experten


Malrotation Recurrence

For this question we have not yet organized an advisory council in the specified regions and/or condition


My son had malrotation surgery when he was a baby. He has enjoyed good GI health since then. This past week he has been having constipation, which we have been treating with Milk of Magnesia. Is it possible for malrotation to recur? What are the chances? Could the doctor be seeing early signs of bowel rotation?

Antwort unserer Experten

Malrotation surgery involves sewing everything down so the bowel can't twist. I suppose it could come undone, but that is unlikely. He could get scars or adhesions from the surgery that block the bowel. If he is having hard stools, I would just keep on with the Milk of Magnesia. If he is having bloating, pain, vomiting, I would call both the surgeon and the GI doctor

CP/ TK 7-13-10

Antwort ist geprüft und gültig für
Weitere Seiten mit demselben Thema finden Intestinal malrotation1 Intestinal malrotation4


Intestinal malrotation

Presentation of any abdominal symptoms in an individual with CdLS, irrespective of age, should prompt consideration of intestinal malrotation.
Evaluation for the presence of intestinal malrotation needs to be discussed and decided together with the family, balancing the potential gain in health and burden for the individual with CdLS.

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