Why you should sign up

We all got involved with Angelman Syndrome for different reasons; we have Angelman syndrome (AS), we are parents, we are brothers or sisters, we are family or friend, we are caring for a person with AS, we are doctors, we are teachers, we are researchers, we are curious...
And because we are this we understand the importance of sharing our experience!

You will have something to share as well, maybe just that you are 'involved'... but by seeing (reading), talking (writing), learning and sharing we will make life with AS more beautiful, that is our dream.

So please signup for our online community, it is free

WaihonaPedia for families



Your Story

Tell us your story. Sharing stories helps families feel supported and creates a sense of community. Your story is important for all of us!



Discover a community of like-minded people and find support along your quest. Otherwise, start a community of your own - we'll help you. Either way, you are not alone!



Become an active member of your community. Share, discuss, ask questions and contribute. Everyone knows something, together we know everything!

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Sobre el contenido del sitio web


Toda la información contenida en este sitio web tiene únicamente fines educativos. El lugar para obtener consejos médicos específicos, diagnósticos y tratamientos es su médico. El uso de este sitio es estrictamente bajo su propio riesgo. Si encuentra algo que cree que necesita ser corregido o aclarado, por favor háganoslo saber en: 

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