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Selfstudy by Questionnaires and Scorecards

Nobody with Angelman Syndrome is the same! It is important to understand how healthy you are and who you are! Our community provides questionnaires and scorecards that help you to discover how Angelman Syndrome has impacted your life, how you develop.
When you discover which aspects of Angelman Syndrome impact your life, we will provide links to fitting information to allow you to develop your personal health system. This saves you from digesting information you do not need directly, keeping your head free, to allow you to enjoy life and give you just that little bit of extra support.

Because if there is something typical for families with a care-intensive person having Angelman Syndrome, is that you will see similarities with others having Angelman Syndrome, but that you will also see where you are special. Finding your friend that really matches your lifestyle, has dealt with the same challenges can be improved by finding these people with Angelman Syndrome that have approximately provided the same answers to our questionnaires and have similar scorecards.

Angelman syndrome (AS) is a rare neuro-genetic disorder that occurs in one in 15,000 live births. Angelman syndrome is often misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy or autism due to lack of awareness. Characteristics of the disorder include developmental delay, lack of speech, seizures, and walking and balance disorders. Individuals with Angelman syndrome will require life-long care.


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