Allergy to Formula
Our child is allergic to either formula or her medications. She seems to be allergic to every formula we have tried. Is this possible?
Answer of our experts
There are only three primary types of formula:*
Neocate and Neocate 1+
- Elecare (Ross)
- Pediatric Vivonex
I do not believe it is possible to be allergic to all of these. You can be "intolerant" of one or the other, but not on an immunologic basis.
DP/TK 7-13-10
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Feeding and Dental Difficulties
In every CdLS individual with prolonged and marked feeding difficulties, the multidisciplinary assessment (from healthcare workers across many disciplines) should consider (temporary) placement of a gastrostomy (surgical opening through the abdomen into the stomach) as a supplement to oral feeding.
In individuals with CdLS who have recurrent respiratory infections, reflux and/or aspiration (breathing foreign objects into airways) should be ruled out.
The palate should be closely examined at diagnosis. In case of symptoms of a (submucous) cleft palate, referral for specialist assessment is indicated.
Dental assessment and cleaning should take place regularly; a more thorough dental examination or treatment under anaesthesia may be necessary.