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Sudden Weight Gain

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My son has recently put on a lot of weight and I am very concerned about it. I always thought that he should be small in stature, but he has gotten very large.

Answer of our experts

I have seen several children with CdLS suddenly gain a lot of weight. Because it is atypical, I would recommend checking several entities before disregarding it. I would recommend having your doctor conduct an abdominal exam, thyroid function studies, a complete blood count and perhaps a urinalysis to make sure that there is nothing treatable going on. If all is normal, I would check with a nutritionist and discuss eating habits, calories, and increasing activity. In addition, check to see if he has been put on a medication recently that could be causing weight gain

CP/ TK 7-13-10

SEE ALSO: Obesity,
Weight Gain and Aging,
Weight Gain 2,
Weight Gain 1,
Weight Gain

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Weight Management in Adulthood

Specific attention to diet and stimulation of activities are recommended as obesity can occur.

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