Cyclical Behavioral Patterns
Can you identify a common theme of behavioral tantrums as cyclical in individuals with CdLS? Are there medications specific to leveling out these cycles?
Answer of our experts
Tantrums and aggressive behavior do sometimes occur in cycles, and some psychiatrists take this as evidence for manic-depression. Children and adults are no different; sometimes their behavior problems occur in patches or, if you will, in cycles. Drugs for manic-depression are only occasionally helpful, though. Behavioral modification would be suggested before medications.
TG /TK 7-13-10
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Self-injurious and aggressive behaviour
To identify the cause of self-injurious behaviour in individuals with CdLS, medical assessment, specifically looking for sources of pain, should be followed by behavioural assessment of self-restraint then functional analysis.
Treatment of self-injurious behaviour should include both medical and behavioural strategies.