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Birth Control: Depo-Provera vs. the patch, Premenstrual symptoms

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Depo-Provera shots were recommended over the patch for my daughter. She presently uses the patch. She is having bad cramps on her week off the patch after 3 months on it. The patch seemed less invasive, but now I wonder if we should have used the depo instead. We started due to her "PMS-type" behavior and hygiene issues.

Answer of our experts

The patch has both estrogen and progesterone (two female hormones) while the Depo-Provera just has progesterone. Depo-Provera can sometimes completely suppress menses, and that may be why it was recommended. The drawback to Depo-provera is that bone may thin while on the medication. Thin bones (osteoporosis) is a concern in CdLS. The patch does not have this side effect. Medication to help with the cramping can be tried (Advil, etc.). Try the patch for another cycle. If the next bleeding time is still miserable, consider switching medication.

NB/ TK 7-13-10

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Sexual education appropriate to the level of understanding should be offered, and contraception management should follow local standard for the general population.
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