How to add a photo-library to a disease

Note that a Photo-Library is best suited to attach to a disease when photo's are in 16 x 9 format.

So split your libaries so that each library only contains photo's of a certain format!

Here is an overview of photo albums on WaihonaPedia

  1. If you have a libary for a disease you note the full-page name
  2. Navigate to the disease page (Home -> Tile of a disease )
  3. Make sure you view the page in it's default language (check by ?editor=wiki )
  4. Edit the page by clicking EDIT 
  5. Navigate to the property wher you can set the photo-library
  6. Save and view: the slide-show should display your photo's and the subject of each photo should be visible
    1. If not fitting very good, consider to remove that photo from your library (or use an image editor to improve the photo!)

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