Le nostre comunità...

Welcome on our place especially for care-intensive people.
WaihonaPedia responds to the needs of rare 'care-intensive people’ and their families, caregivers, teachers, doctors and therapists. These needs are;

  • personalized information based on best available information and experiences of others,
  • connection,
  • asking questions and getting answers
  • plan for the best possible quality of life

We do this by supporting international communities for these people. Explore the communities that already joined below to ho you can see and learn, know and share together with one of our communities. Can't find the community you're looking for? Request this to be supported

La collaborazione aiuta....


La collaborazione con altre comunità familiari offre conoscenze condivise, forza di difesa, risorse comuni e un'accelerazione dei progressi della ricerca. Insieme, queste collaborazioni danno potere alle persone, amplificano le voci, fanno progredire i trattamenti e aumentano la consapevolezza, portando infine a un cambiamento positivo.

Di seguito sono riportati i nostri attuali partner



Marshall Smith Syndrome Research Foundation

{showIcon=true, headerCSSIconClass=group-icon, serviceLabel=Nederlands, headerIconURL=, headerTitle=Marshall Smith Syndrome Research Foundation, showHeaderStatus=true, tileStatus=[]}

Vereniging Cornelia de Lange syndroom

paesi bassibelgio
{showIcon=true, headerCSSIconClass=group-icon, serviceLabel=Nederlands, headerIconURL=, headerTitle=Vereniging Cornelia de Lange syndroom, showHeaderStatus=true, tileStatus=[]}

Stichting Pitt Hopkins Syndroom

paesi bassi
{showIcon=true, headerCSSIconClass=group-icon, serviceLabel=Nederlands, headerIconURL=, headerTitle=Stichting Pitt Hopkins Syndroom, showHeaderStatus=true, tileStatus=[]}

Nederlandse Vereniging Williams Beuren Syndroom

{showIcon=true, headerCSSIconClass=group-icon, serviceLabel=Nederlands, headerIconURL=, headerTitle=Nederlandse Vereniging  Williams Beuren Syndroom, showHeaderStatus=true, tileStatus=[]}

Vereniging Angelman Syndroom Nederland

paesi bassibelgio
{showIcon=true, headerCSSIconClass=group-icon, serviceLabel=Nederlands, headerIconURL=, headerTitle=Vereniging Angelman Syndroom Nederland, showHeaderStatus=true, tileStatus=[]}

Stichting Rubinstein-Taybi

paesi bassi
{showIcon=true, headerCSSIconClass=group-icon, serviceLabel=Nederlands, headerIconURL=, headerTitle=Stichting Rubinstein-Taybi, showHeaderStatus=true, tileStatus=[]}

Stichting Tubereuze Sclerosis Nederland

paesi bassi

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