
Federatie WaihonaPedia

Our goal is to increase the well-being and happiness of people with rare diseases and their loved ones. We do this by supporting communities so that essential knowledge from families and experts can be shared with each other through our online platform and by organising knowledge workshops.


We will contribute to a better quality of life for families around a disease by helping communities to offer precisely that information to a family that will allow them to make the right decisions, to feel empowered with solutions and to get energy from support(ing) others with the same disease.

Calendario de nuestros eventos   

Our approach

We offer a platform to which communities around a rare disease can connect. Through our platform communities will help each other by sharing best practises. Also many of the complications in the disease are present in other diseases as well. Through our smart platform you can easily use the information provided by another disease and give it the details of your own disease.We are a non-profilt organization and will always protect the interests of our communities. We do not sell or provide informations to any other organization as the ever growing list of connected communities.
Apoya a múltiples comunidades

Información de contacto

Secretariaat Stichting WaihonaPedia
Choorstraat 53
5211 KZ 's-Hertogenbosch

Broed 's-Hertogenbosch,
Burgemeester Loeffplein 70b/c
5211 RX 's-Hertogenbosch

Lea más sobre nuestra comunidad...

Nuestros voluntarios y colaboradores ...


Antoon Kuijpers


Els van Overbruggen-Hartman


Andrea Morales


Gerritjan Koekkoek


Willem Stolwijk


Sigue estos pasos ...

De lo contrario, póngase en contacto con su centro nacional de expertos

Nuestra visión

Colaboración ayuda....


La colaboración con otras comunidades familiares ofrece conocimientos compartidos, fuerza de defensa, recursos mancomunados y avances acelerados en la investigación. Juntas, estas colaboraciones empoderan a las personas, amplifican las voces, hacen avanzar los tratamientos y aumentan la concienciación, impulsando en última instancia un cambio positivo.

Consulte nuestros socios actuales a continuación



Marshall Smith Syndrome Research Foundation

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Vereniging Cornelia de Lange syndroom

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Stichting Pitt Hopkins Syndroom

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Nederlandse Vereniging Williams Beuren Syndroom

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Vereniging Angelman Syndroom Nederland

países bajosbélgica
{showIcon=true, headerCSSIconClass=group-icon, serviceLabel=Nederlands, headerIconURL=, headerTitle=Vereniging Angelman Syndroom Nederland, showHeaderStatus=true, tileStatus=[]}

Stichting Rubinstein-Taybi

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Stichting Tubereuze Sclerosis Nederland

países bajos

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